NineBot Desk Lamp:


The NineBot Desk Lamp is the first in a series of products designed to address various aspects of a serious issue facing society today, e-waste. The product shown here has been designed and built using recycled components from a Segway Ninebot E-scooter.

Bamboo Floor Lamp by MUDU

Geometric Lamp by Regular Company

H-Beam Lamp by JHY

CSYS Desk Lamp by Dyson

E-waste in Europe is becoming a serious problem. Experts estimate the average lifespan of a rental E-scooter is less than 2 years. Hence, this lamp is designed to be almost entirely made up of components from a used E-scooter, a Segway NineBot. The design utilises two rotary torque hinges, allowing the user to direct the light at their desired angle. When shone straight down, the light illuminates a frosted glass tube, creating an ambient glow for evening work.

The NineBot Lamp has been fitted with a Phillips Hue bulb, which has been selected for a number of reasons. It is energy efficient, provides a range of colours, temperatures and intensities, allowing the user to tailor their light to suit their desired experience and, it can be powered on and off and controlled via the Phillips Hue app, avoiding the need for buttons and unnecessary components, increasing the simplicity of the device. It is to be powered by a reused, onboard battery, which is preinstalled, and previously used to power the E-scooter. 




O - Animo