Personal Passion Projects - Mech Keyboard - 2021

A little side project I have been chipping away at: Bringing Order to My Drawers: A 3D printed storage solution inspired by Scott Yu-Jan! As someone who loves organisational tools, I often find myself procrastinating by reorganising and tidying up. So when I came across a YouTube video by Scott Yu-Jan about using 3D-printed modules to organise your desk drawer, I knew I had to try it myself.

Over the last few months, I've been quietly creating a set of custom modules in my spare time to organise my cluttered desk drawer. The modular system is made up of trays, dividers, and bins - all precisely measured to fit the drawer dimensions and house my tools and stationery. I finally printed and installed the final modules last week! Everything has a dedicated place, I can find what I need quickly, without thinking and rummaging!

If you have a printer, and might also be slightly OCD like myself, I highly recommend checking out Scott Yu-Jan's YouTube channel.


O - Animo

